Wednesday, August 19, 2009

001; The beginning

In my life I have been somewhat fickle in regards to what interest me, the one and only thing that has never wavered is music. There are times when I'm listening to music where it fills me up completely and I get a wonderfully creepy feeling in my bones that assures me in every way that this life we live cannot be it. Music is too great, too holistic, too encompassing and wonderfully complicated for life to end at death. In entries following this I intend to post artists or songs that have taken hold of me, that make me want to lay in a field, or jump up and down, or bask in the memory that they have caused me to recall.

However, there are a couple of things I think are necessary to address for readers (ha ha, what readers) who may have stumbled upon this blog and are under the wrong impression.
I am in no way implying the artists or songs I will be mentioning are new music or that my sentiments in regards to each have not already been expressed. This is merely a place I plan to use to share the words and feelings that explode in my brain when I hear music. There is no specific genre that I will be focusing on, in fact, I can guarantee the only type of music that won't make an appearance in this blog is metal.
Other than that, I'm excited to get started. Hope you are too.


Rebekka Dunlap said...

I forgot to tell you how excited I am for this.